Learn about the drilling projects carried out by Explomin

Learn about the drilling projects carried out by Explomin

It is known that mining generates a great impact on the Peruvian economy. It represents almost 10% of GDP and about 62% of the total value of exports, that is, it is an important source of foreign exchange. And around this activity is added the mining production chain that begins with soil studies, drilling projects, ore extraction, etc. This whole process has a favorable impact on the generation of employment, contribution to the treasury, community development, etc.

Peru is a predominantly mining country with immense geological potential. Under this affirmation, Explomin has been carrying out drilling services for 18 years, which has made it possible to guarantee quality services, having its own equipment and qualified and experienced personnel.

The services offered by Explomin are:

  • Underground and surface diamond drilling (conventional, geotechnical and directional).
  • RC Reverse Circulation Drilling.
  • Drilling of water wells.

Which are backed by more than 4 million meters drilled. Likewise, it performs other services complementary to drilling, such as sampling, cutting and logging of witnesses, among other geotechnical and hydrogeological services.

Explomin drilling projects

Due to the experience, quality and security of its services, Explomin has the trust of the main mining companies in Peru and other countries in the region.

Explomin in 2018 has executed 18 projects in Peru, Chile and Colombia. In 2019 we are with 14 projects so far this year and with new startups scheduled for the 2nd. trimester.

Explomin has experience in corporate contracts for comprehensive drilling programs. Among its main clients are currently Nexa Resources, Antamina, Minsur, Barrick Misquichilca, Gran Colombia Gold, Rio2 Limited, Volcan, Marcobre, among others.

Today Explomin occupies the 1st place among the drilling companies in Peru for the 3rd consecutive year and plans to continue maintaining that leadership in the region by putting into practice its 3 fundamental pillars of Safety, Operational Excellence and Innovation.
