Ethics and a strong commitment to society are
We are committed to being a socially responsible company with our clients, employees, suppliers, environment and local communities where we operate, seeking to contribute to the development of the country. This is a challenge for us as a company that implies maintaining high standards of ethics and transparency in relationships with our stakeholders. Proactively contributing to the development of initiatives in our communities with our knowledge or organizational resources.
Explomin assumes as a commitment the development of its environment, behaving in the following way:
- Promoting Human Rights through our social programs, which will contribute to improving the quality of life of local communities.
- Using the appropriate tools and cutting-edge technology in our operating processes, which guarantee safety and protection of the environment.
- Fostering relationships of trust and mutual respect with the communities that surround us, based on a commitment for a sustainable development and with our clients.
- Generating possibilities for development and well-being in the communities.
- We ensure compliance with our Social Responsibility policy in our operations and aligning ourselves with the policies of the Community Relations departments of our Clients.